Sunday, June 12, 2011

May I see your I.D? (:

Well I'm finally 21. I didn't celebrate my 21st birthday like most people do. In other words, I didn't wake up the next morning still unable to remember my name. Of course I had to order a margarita with dinner, but thats about as far as it went. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that getting super drunk while on a double lung transplant list isn't a good idea, knowing my luck I would get a call saying they found a match after being totally hammerd. Nice.

I had a BIG get together for my birthday for my family and close friends. There was about 60ish people there. It was an awesome day!! The sun was out, we had great food, and good company! I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. I think my family was a little in shock when the Brotherhood rolled up on their bikes lol. But I was super glad they came out to celebrate with us!! All in all it was a wonderful day! :D

On Wed ( my actual birthday) I took my niece Bethany to the waterpark. She turned 3 on friday. I can't believe she has gotten so big so fast, it's so crazy! She had so much fun, other than puking in the kiddie pool, that was not a good time. No more Arbys before swimming for her! It's amazing to watch her grow into her own little personality. She's so funny, and is always playing jokes on people. I can't wait to watch her grow into a beautiful young woman.

Yesterday was our trip to the zoo for miss Bethanys birthday. It was another beautiful day! It was soooo much walking though. I feel like when I was younger I ran all over that place, and this time I had to use my oxygen by the time I left. It was my first time wearing it in public and it was emotionally hard. When I would pass people and they would stare, it was the worst. I know it's something I have to get use to and people just don't understand. I should be thankful that I am still able to walk and not have to be wheel chaired when I go out. I'm very thankful that I have a wonderful Fiance who walked right by me and held my hand the whole time, not even thinking twice about it or paying attention to who was looking. He is absolutely amazing and he is what helped me get through it all. I'm hoping this week I'll get to relax some. I'm always on the go and it physically wears me out, and I have to take a day to just crash!

This blog wasn't really about much but I just wanted to jot down some thoughts and what not!

OHHH I almost forgot, Joshua and I had professional pictures taken that turned out amazing!! I love them! It was so hard choosing the ones we wanted! We even got some with the dog, she is so incredibly spoiled, it's not even funny!!

More big news is - I got chosen to set up a tutu booth at the the simon kenton festival in maysville. I'm super excited about this I feel like it's a big accomplishment, so look for Tutus 4 Tots in the future, yeah thats gonna be my business (:


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Give thanks. Give life.

I'm not sure where to start honestly, it's been "one of those nights." I recently found out that 5 CF patients have passed away at childrens hospital just this year. Not because of the facility care but just because they simply lost their battle against Cystic Fibrosis. It literally breaks me heart because I know what it's like losing someone to CF, one of my good "hospital buddys" passed away when she was only 16. It's also so scary, because you just don't realize what this disease is capable of. I've met so many people who have had transplant, and are waiting and it seems everyone has a different story. I've met people who are 10 years post transplant and those who are waiting for their second one. It's hard and stressful to be positive all the time.  I can't imagine what the families of those 5 patients are going through.

There is a young woman named Katrina Howell. I do not know her personally but came across her FB page. Katie is now needing a living donor in order to survive her battle. The doctors have just giving her 14 days to live and she is on a ventillator. I encourage everyone that reads this blog to spread the word to help save a life. Imagine if it were you, your mother, father, daughter or son. What would YOU do.  Here is her page..!/pages/Katie-needs-a-lung-donor-NOW/145660315497555?sk=wall .

It's so aggravating to watch people take for granted everything great they have in life.
I'm sorry your back hurts today, someone broke your heart when you were 15, you have a headache, its the worst day ever because its snowing, your grounded so you can't go cruise with your friends, your mom is the worst ever because you aren't allowed to do whatver you want, your car wont start, its raining..etc.
People don't even realize how lucky they are to have so many wonderful things they can be thankful for. It's been a stressful night and I hope someone gets SOMETHING from reading this blog. 
If you did, let me know (: